IOC/IAAF/FIFA: Mandatory Gender Tests for Female Athletes, Mandatory Surgery for the Intersexed
Lausanne, Nov. 19, 2009 (Photo: Ärger)
>>> "Hermaphrodites" in sports: IOC and IAAF deny responsibility
Open Letter to IOC >>>
Background Report >>>
Stop Genital Surgery Press Release, 22.01.2010:
After a "scientific" symposium on "ambiguous" gender cases (a.k.a. intersex persons / "hermaphrodites") organised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the World Athletic Federation (IAAF) and the World Football Federation (FIFA), IOC medical commission chairman Arne Ljungqvist informed the public about the planned measures.
According to an exclusive AP-report,
the IOC aims to reintroduce mandatory sex test on female athletes, which were
abolished in 1999, via "pre-participation health examinations" for aspiring
athletes. "We emphasized that these exams could be a very important and useful
tool for identifying athletes with these disorders," Ljungqvist is
Data of athletes suspected to have "disorders of sex development" would be
transferred to planned strategically located "health centres", where "It's for
the experts to decide what to do with each individual case."
Ljungqvist made no secret of what fate would await "suspicious" athletes there:
"Most cases, Ljungqvist said, require treatment such as surgery or hormone
Consulted "medical experts" in a New York Times
article also shared the same views:
"'Those who agree to be treated will be permitted to participate," said Dr.
Maria New, a panel participant and an expert on sexual development disorders.
'Those who do not agree to be treated on a case-by-case basis will not be
And: "'We did not address fairness,' said Dr. Joe Leigh Simpson of Florida
International University."
This is even more irritating, as many "ambiguous" athletes reportedly have no
illegitimate advantages compared to "normal" women.
The human rights advocacy group condemns this
attempt to re-introduce mandatory sex tests for female athletes via a back
We also strongly condemn IOC's notion of apparently blanket exclusion of
"ambiguous" athletes, unless they agree to undergo potentially most harmful
genital surgery and hormone treatments.
For decades, victims of such medically not indicated treatments condemn them as
violation of their corporal integrity, as "medical torture" and "forced
In Germany, a surgeon was found guilty before court for such a treatment, and
the UN-committee CEDAW criticized such treatments as a human rights
As the inhumane tug of war regarding the future career of "suspected" South
Africa athlete Caster Semenya reveals, in many cases, the medical trade has no
reliable knowledge about "ambiguous" bodies anyway—in 50% of the cases with XY
karyotype, they can't determine neither a diagnosis nor the causes.
The human rights advocacy group demands the
prohibition of forced genital surgeries on intersexed people and "Human Rights
for Hermaphrodites too!"
Kind regards
n e l l a
Daniela Truffer
Founding Member Human Rights Advocacy Group
Founding Member Swiss Self Help Group
Memebr Intersexuelle Menschen e.V.
Member XY-Frauen
Mobile +41 (0) 76 398 06 50
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Published on Friday, January 22 2010 by